We’ve got a special guest for you today: Esma Kirim, Kaizen-Muse Certified Creativity Coach and Founder of EsmaKirim.com
Esma is a creativity coach and business mentor. She helps people bust through creative blocks such as procrastination, fears around sharing work, imposter syndrome, and perfectionism.
Esma’s passion is to help people make a living from their creative pursuits. As an actress and songwriter who also has an MBA, she is uniquely positioned to bridge the creative and business worlds.
Have you ever been so caught up in the hustle and bustle of your day-to-day life that you lost sight of who you are?
How many of you have had moments when you’re sure your creativity has died?
That’s a feeling @Bravely Original with Esma Kirim knows all too well. When she was in the corporate world her passion for creativity was pushed to the side as she worked to make a living.
She knew there had to be more to life than this, but she didn’t know how to get there. One day, she found Kaizen-Muse certification. It was exactly what she’d been searching for—a way to reignite her creative spark while also providing a viable business.
Today, she’ll be sharing some tips on how to embrace fearlessness as an artist and creative entrepreneur, which is something we can all use!
She’s here to inspire you to get out there, find your creative self again, and embrace the creative within you.
Listen to the Episode Now. Here are a few snippets for you:
- Why I do what I do
- From corporate to creative
- Benefits of having a coach
- Expertise comes from doing
- Creative blocks
- The Bravely Original Method
- How does the Bravely Original Method work?
- My message to other creatives and experts who are afraid to take the next step to make a difference in other people’s lives
“Expertise comes from doing”

If you are a creative in need of support or wish to transition into a creative career – chat with Esma on Instagram (@esma_kirim) or contact her through her website: https://esmakirim.com/ She offers free 30 min strategy calls.