Today we have a very special guest with us, Henriette Danel!
Henriette is a Strategic Business Coach helping Female Entrepreneurs on how to Attract More Clients Continuously, without trying to do everything!
However, Henriette’s first year in business was not all sunshine and roses. The first year was all about self-development and growth… and it was also the toughest challenge she had to face.
She struggled to sign up clients and did everything possible to change that. She was overwhelmed, stressed, and wondering what else she needed to do to attract clients.
That was when the penny dropped: SHE WASN’T FOCUSED! She was spreading herself too thin and by trying to do everything, she wasn’t getting any results.
So, she had to get clarity and figure out what was aligned with her. What strategy she can use to attract more clients.
And she did it!
In todays’ episode, Henriette revealed her two major marketing strategies that helped her increase her visibility and attract more clients. She also talked about which unique Social Media platform she uses to generate leads, The Client Attraction Program, her 4 strategies to find clarity for your business, and more!
Henriette also shared a very important piece of advice for experts who are playing small with their expertise. You would not want to miss this out!
Listen to the Episode Now. Here are a few snippets for you:
- Building the business, on creating my own (not franchising, not Multi-level marketing), and dealing with the long process
- Finding out my super skill during the first 2 years of building my business
- Figuring out and discovering ideal clients
- How to attract the right clients to your business and the people you want to work with
- Why Pinterest is a powerful tool for lead generation vs any other social media platforms
- The Client Attraction Program, what is it and how it’s done
- Building the framework and finding clarity
- Applying my 4 strategies in your own business. TIP: Don’t overcomplicate it, don’t overwhelm yourself
- Where to find me and connect
“Your timing is always perfect”

earn more about Henriette and her work: (And get your FREE 30 Resources on How to Attract More Clients)
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